
Tuesday 27 September 2016

The 7th Challenge (Part 1)

For the 7th task of EKSPLORASI, we were asked to make a research about food. We are divided into 7 groups, that will research about different types of food (Fruits, Seafood, etc, etc). There are 4 members in this group. Tata, Donna, Anja and Katya. The four of us got the topic non-wheat (gluten free) cakes. So bread is excluded.

We discussed the steps we’ll take, and in the end we agreed with this:


“First, we’ll discuss our favorite non-wheat snacks. Second, we’ll think of the person we’re going to ask from. Third, we’ll make some questions for the ‘Interview’. Next, we will go ask (individually) the person we chose for the questions. After we asked and re-checked our data, we’ll find some more information from books and internet. When that’s done, we can start making our creation”.

For the people and place we would like to interview, we decided on:

The particular food seller and who knew the process of making it, and where he/she works (close to our area).


The questions we’ll be are:

  1. Where does this food come from?
  2. What are the main ingredients?
  3. Is this made out of --- flour?
  4. Is there any mixture of wheat flour?
  5. How is the process (Fry, bake, etc, etc)?
  6. How long does one of these take to make?
  7. Does this cake contain vitamins?
  8. Out of all the food that you sell, which one is your favorite?

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