
Monday 22 August 2016

Completing the Third Challenge (Part 1)

My 3rd challange is:  Wawancara seorang penjual makanan/minuman yang tinggal di sekitarmu dan sajikan hasilnya dengan menarik agar orang lain yang melihat/membaca jadi ikut mengenal penjual tsb. 

I was asked to interview someone who sells food around my neighbourhood and present it interestingly so that other people who read this may know more about the seller.

I had observed the food sellers around my house and here is the table where I listed down my observations of them. I only list down 4 though, because there are a lot of them around my neighbourhood:

I chose the bread seller (penjual roti Vianda), as we often bought his bread and he's so friendly. Plus, he's the first bread seller that goes around my housing area to sell bread.

Next, I was asked to make questions for me to interview him, so we know more about him. These are the questions: 

Here's the link.

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