
Saturday 7 June 2014

Quartet Piano in Gloriamus Music School Mid Year Concert

I join a piano course in Gloriamus Music School, which means glorifying God through music. Of course, there are grade examinations for theory and practical, concerts, masterclasses, and other things. There is a mid year concert there too. Every kids that are good enough to join the mid year concert will be chosen to play in the mid year concert. There are duets (two people in one piano) in piano and quartets. I played "Workin' On The Railroad" by E.R. Rocherolle for the quartet in the mid-year concert with Jovanska Amedia S., Fina A. Nugroho, and Christiato Gunawan (but on the guidance book for the concert he's called The Christianto).You can watch the video here. And here are the pictures:

 This is when I and my quartet friends are about to bow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Chris is blocking youuu, he is stealing the spotlight...

-Vebi :D