
Sunday 27 November 2016

My Latest Coursera Accomplishments.

So far I have accomplished 2 Coursera courses, and even though I already forgotten most of what I have learnt, I am proud of it :D

The first one is "Arch Of titus: Rome and the Menorah" from Yeshiva University. I often failed the last assignment of this course, that's why I have been participating in this course for over 6 months or even more....., and finally I got my grade:

The second one is Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization. This one is a recent one:

I can finish this so fast :p. I finished it 2 weeks before the deadline. I think it's because I learned a lot about Ancient Egypt when I was younger, the new ones are the only hard ones for me. 

I really love both of these courses, and I hope the informations that I received could be used for future uses!

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